Blood type diet: health benefit or risk?

Learn about blood type diet and its effectiveness. Let's consider whether it is harmful to health and whether it has a scientific basis. To apply or not? All the answers are in our article.

The blood type diet is one of the most popular approaches to healthy eating. Its followers argue that the choice of food should depend on the specific blood type, since each group has its own characteristics and needs.

Basically, the blood type diet is a personalized nutrition program based on the assumption that our blood type determines what type of diet is best for us. This theory, developed in the late 1990s, leads people to avoid certain foods and include others in their diet, depending on their blood type.

However, expert opinion on the blood type diet is controversial. Some experts believe that this diet has no scientific support and may lead to deficiencies in several important nutrients. However, there are people who have managed to improve their health significantly by following a blood type diet.

What is the blood type diet?

The blood type diet is a popular diet based on the idea that a person's blood type affects how the body digests food and what foods are suitable for optimal health.

According to this theory, people with different blood types have different nutritional needs and different foods can have different effects on their bodies.

The Blood Type Diet is based on research by D-Adamo, who says that eating according to your blood type not only helps you control your weight, but also improves overall body function.

Basically, the blood type diet provides detailed instructions on what foods to avoid and what foods to eat to get the best health and nutritional results.

What are the blood types?

Blood groups are a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. There are several blood group classification systems, but the most common is the ABO system. According to this system, blood groups are divided into four types:

  • Group A– red blood cells contain A antigen, and plasma contains antibodies to B antigen.
  • Group B– red blood cells contain B antigen, and plasma contains antibodies to A antigen.
  • Group AB– red blood cells contain both antigens (A and B), but plasma does not contain antibodies to both antigens.
  • Group O– red blood cells do not have both antigens, and plasma has antibodies to both antigens (except group O).

There are also other systems for classifying blood groups, such as the Rh factor system. This system is based on the presence or absence of Rh antigen on the surface of red blood cells. Therefore, next to each type of blood group, its Rh factor (positive or negative), such as AB+ or 0-, is usually indicated.

Knowing your blood type can be useful in many situations, such as when receiving a blood transfusion or when planning a pregnancy. Also, some people follow the blood type diet, believing that it will help them improve their health and lose weight.

What foods are recommended for each blood type?

Blood type 0

It is recommended for people with blood type 0 to eat meat, fish, seafood, vegetables (except cabbage, spinach, beets), fruits (apples and watermelon are best among the sour ones). The lifestyle must be active, physical education is mandatory.

Blood type A

People with blood type A are advised to eat legumes, grains, fruit and vegetables (except tomatoes, olives). It is important to limit your consumption of meat and dairy products in favor of fish and seafood.

Blood type B

People with blood type B are advised to eat meat (except chicken), dairy products, grains, vegetables and fruit (except coconuts, tomatoes, olives). It is recommended to drink ginger tea and engage in moderate physical activity.

Blood type AB

People with blood type AB are recommended to eat seafood, dairy products, fruits, vegetables (except beets, cabbage, tomatoes) and grains. Try to avoid red meat, fried and fatty foods, and unspecified foods and alcohol consumption are strictly contraindicated.

What foods are not recommended for all blood types?

blood type diet

Blood type O

Owners of blood type O should avoid wheat flour and wheat-based products such as bread, cakes, pasta and pizza. It is also not recommended to eat chicken, pork and crabs. Large beans and buckwheat are also undesirable in the diet, as they can increase stomach acidity and oxidation in the blood.

Blood type A

People with blood type A are advised not to eat red meat products such as beef and lamb, as well as high-fat dairy products such as semi-hard and hard cheeses. They should also avoid grains such as wheat and soy, as well as sour fruits.

Blood type B

Owners of blood type B are advised not to eat poultry products such as chicken and turkey, as well as pork. They should also avoid cucumbers, tomatoes and coconut. You can and should eat rabbit meat and vegetables such as cabbage, chicory and onions.

Blood type AB

For people with blood type AB, it is not recommended to eat seafood such as caviar and oysters, as well as red meat and full-fat dairy products. They should also avoid wheat and rice grains. Fish, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and green vegetables are recommended.

How effective is the blood type diet?

The blood type diet is very popular in many countries because it offers a personalized approach to nutrition based on your specific blood type. However, how effective is such a diet?

Proponents of the blood type diet claim that eating foods tailored to your blood type can improve your health, help you lose weight, and prevent the development of certain diseases. However, so far there is no scientific evidence in favor of this diet.

Studies have been done on a small number of people that have shown some effectiveness of the blood type diet. However, the problem with such studies is that they were conducted over a short period of time and on a small sample of people.

The only scientific fact that has been established so far is that people of different blood groups have different antigens and antibodies, which can affect their health. However, this does not mean that the blood type diet can be effective for everyone.

Therefore, before you start following the blood type diet, you must consult with specialists and make sure that it is effective for a particular person.

What do scientific studies say?

At first glance

Many supporters of the blood type diet refer to studies that find qualitative differences in the blood of people of different groups. However, at first sight, these studies seem to have no justification and do not confirm the applicability of such a diet.

Criticism of the blood type diet

Critics of the blood type diet point out that the studies relied on by proponents of the blood type diet have not been confirmed by subsequent studies and are not scientific studies in the true sense of the word, that is, they have not been peer reviewed, publishedthem. in scientific journals, or an attempt has been made to reproduce them.

Advantages and disadvantages of the blood type diet

The blood type diet is a concept that suggests that certain foods should be eliminated from the diet based on your blood type. There are many supporters and opponents of this diet. Let's look at the pros and cons of the blood type diet.


  • Eliminate foods that are not absorbed by the body. Each blood type has its own characteristics, so some foods can be harmful to your health.
  • Adaptation to genetic inheritance. The blood type diet takes into account the metabolic characteristics of the blood type and allows you to create a diet that matches your genetic heritage.
  • Lose weight. The blood type diet can help you lose weight because by eliminating certain foods from your diet you can reduce your caloric intake.


  • Lack of scientific research. Many experts believe that the blood type diet has no scientific basis and that the effectiveness of this method has not been proven in practice.
  • dietary restrictions. Although each blood type has different dietary guidelines, certain foods may be excluded from any blood type's diet, resulting in dietary restrictions and deficiencies in some important vitamins and minerals.
  • Inconvenience in everyday life. The blood type diet can be difficult to follow, especially if you have to eat out or eat in public.

In general, the blood type diet has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you start following this diet, you should consult a doctor and get advice on its feasibility and safety for your health.

Complications when following the blood type diet

Most fans of the blood type diet claim that it can reduce the risk of developing various diseases, improve metabolism and overall well-being. However, you should remember possible complications and contraindications.

Increased risk of ketoacidosis in blood type 0

If you follow a blood type O diet, which is based on eating large amounts of meat and fatty animal products, you may have an increased risk of developing ketoacidosis, a dangerous condition associated with metabolic disorders.

Risk of certain nutritional deficiencies in blood type A

A meat-free, plant-based diet can lead to deficiencies in certain nutrients, including protein and vitamins B12 and D. This is especially true for people with type A blood.

Risk of high cholesterol levels in blood type B

Following the Blood Type B diet, which recommends eating a lot of fatty foods, can increase blood cholesterol levels, which can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease and other health problems.

Individual food intolerance

Everyone is unique, and what one person tolerates perfectly may cause allergic reactions or food intolerance in another. The blood type diet does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body, so you should consult your doctor before you start following it.

How to properly prepare a diet for a blood type diet?

Step 1: Find out your blood type

The first and most important step in planning a blood type diet is to know your blood type. To do this, you can consult a doctor or get a test in a laboratory. Remember that each blood type has its own characteristics and nutritional needs.

Step 2: Find the foods that suit your blood type

Once you know your blood type, you can begin to determine the foods that are right for you. For example, people with blood type O are advised to eat a lot of meat, but it is better to reduce dairy products. For people with the second blood group, on the contrary, meat should be reduced, and dairy products should be increased.

Step 3: Take into account the characteristics of your body

Of course, following a good blood type diet, but you must always take into account the characteristics of your body. For example, if you have an individual disease, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist to create an individual diet.

Step 4: Plan your diet for the week

It is very convenient and practical to prepare a diet for a week. This way you can control your diet and avoid the temptation to eat something harmful. When planning your daily meals, you need to take into account the proportions of the products and their compatibility, as well as the seasonality and freshness of the products.

Step 5: Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle

In addition to proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle is also important. This means moderate physical activity, adequate and timely sleep, giving up bad habits and reducing stressful situations.

Conclusion:When formulating a diet for a blood group diet, you must take into account your blood type and body characteristics, as well as pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. All products must be fresh and consumed in the correct proportions.

How long should you follow the blood type diet?

The Blood Type Diet is an eating option introduced by Dr Peter D'Adamo. It requires that each blood type requires a certain set of products and restrictions on the consumption of others.

It is recommended to follow the blood type diet for several months. This is enough to determine if this diet is right for you and your lifestyle. If you feel comfortable sticking to this diet, if you feel relief from the negative symptoms, a complete improvement in health and weight loss, you can continue using it.

However, we must not forget that each organism is unique and may require additional menu adjustments. If you feel that the diet has a negative effect on your health, the list of prohibited foods or their quantities will expand, and you want to return to the old diet - you can do it.

Remember that your overall health and well-being is the most important criterion for assessing the effectiveness of a diet!

Who is not recommended to follow the blood type diet?

meat on blood type diet

Although the blood type diet may seem like a very attractive diet option, it should be remembered that it is not suitable for everyone. There is a category of people who are not recommended to follow this diet.

  • People with AB blood type. The Blood Type Diet is developed based on the hypothesis that different blood types require different types of food. But type AB is a relatively new and rare blood type, and there is little scientific evidence about how it interacts with food.
  • Pregnant and lactating women. Pregnant and breastfeeding women's diets should be rich in protein and nutrients, and the blood type diet may limit food choices.
  • People with medical prescriptions. If you are taking medication, your blood type diet may affect the effectiveness of drug therapy. In this case, before you start to follow the diet, you should consult your doctor.

Although the blood type diet can be beneficial for those who follow it, keep in mind that it is not necessarily suitable for everyone. Everyone is unique and requires an individual approach to nutrition. Be sure to consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting this diet.

Dietitian advice for a successful blood type diet

The blood type diet is becoming more popular among people who want to lose weight and improve their health. However, to achieve success in this matter, you need to follow some advice from a nutritionist.

  • Get professional advice. Despite the fact that the blood type diet has a scientific basis, each person is individual, and it is difficult to determine the best diet for yourself. Therefore, before starting a diet, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist for professional advice.
  • Do not neglect physical activity. The blood type diet is important, but not a panacea. To achieve the desired results, it is necessary to combine it with a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity in the diet.
  • Monitor the quality of the products. When following a blood type diet, you must pay attention to the quality of the products so that they meet the individual needs of each person. You should not skimp on products; it is best to choose organic and natural options.
  • Be patient. Change doesn't happen overnight, so you have to be patient and not give up. As a rule, the results do not come immediately, but it is worth it.
  • Don't forget about moderation. The blood type diet should not be a burden to the body. Do not forget about moderation, follow a proper diet and do not starve.

In general, if you follow all the recommendations of a nutritionist, the blood type diet can be an effective way to lose weight and improve your health. The main thing is not to forget about a healthy lifestyle and moderation in everything.

How to provide your body with the necessary nutrients while following a blood type diet?

The right approach to choosing products

One of the keys to the blood type diet is choosing foods that suit your blood type. Based on this, certain foods will be beneficial, while others may harm your body. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the products so that they contain the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals

In order to provide the body with the necessary nutrients, it is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, eat different colored fruits and vegetables as they contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. In addition, fish and seafood are an excellent source of fatty acids that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Regular consumption of dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system and energy production. They can also help you lose weight, improve skin quality, and reduce your risk of disease. Some foods rich in dietary fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.


It is important not only to watch what you eat, but also how you eat. It is recommended to eat small portions and regularly to maintain the best possible energy levels and not overload the digestive system. It's also important to make sure you're getting enough fluids so your body can function properly.

Expected results from the blood type diet

Improved overall health

By following a diet that matches your blood type, you can experience significant improvements in your overall physical and emotional well-being. This happens thanks to the right selection of products that feed you not only tasty, but also healthy for you personally.

weight normalization

Proper nutrition that matches your blood type will allow you to reduce or normalize your weight. For example, people with blood type A tolerate plant-based foods better and are less likely to gain fat reserves, so fruits and vegetables are ideal for them.

Strengthen the immune system

strengthen the immune system on a diet

With a proper blood diet, you will get essential nutrients that help your immune system fight infections and other diseases.

Increased energy and improved mood

Choosing the right foods based on your blood type will help increase your energy levels and improve your mood. For example, people with blood type O digest meat foods perfectly, giving them energy for the whole day.

Reducing the risk of disease and extending life

By choosing foods based on your blood type, you can reduce your risk of disease and prolong your life. For example, people with blood type B tolerate dairy products and fish better, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

A brief overview of the results of the blood type diet explained

Improved overall health Choosing the right foods affects your physical and emotional well-being
weight normalization Proper nutrition helps to reduce or normalize weight
Strengthen the immune system Nutrients in foods help fight infections and other diseases
Increased energy and improved mood The right food choices give you energy and improve your mood
Reducing the risk of disease and extending life By choosing foods that match your blood type, you can reduce your risk of disease and live longer.

How to keep results after completing the blood type diet?

The blood type diet is a method of eating that helps people lose weight and improve their health. However, after completing the diet, many people find it difficult to maintain the results achieved.

To maintain the weight gained during the diet, it is important to follow a proper diet and lifestyle. It is recommended to eat natural and healthy foods, avoid fatty and sweet foods, and exercise.

We must forget that the blood type diet is not a panacea and cannot solve all health problems. It's just an extra help to reach your goals. Therefore, to maintain the results, it is necessary to act comprehensively and combine the diet with other methods to restore health.

  • Follow dietary guidelines to maintain weight and health;
  • Eat natural and healthy foods;
  • Avoid junk food;
  • Do sports and exercise;
  • Contact a specialist if you need medical help.

A proper lifestyle and diet will help maintain the results of the blood type diet and achieve new goals for health and a beautiful figure.

What can we say about the compatibility of the blood type diet with other diets?

The blood type diet has become quite popular in recent years, but many nutritional theorists consider it too restrictive. This diet is based on scientific research and suggests that people with different blood types should eat different foods to improve their health and lose weight.

Some people decide to try the blood type diet, but then they decide to combine it with other diets, such as the ketone diet or a vegetarian diet. Yes, but it's important to remember that there may be conflicts with the foods you want to eat when you mix different diets.

If you decide to combine the blood type diet with other diets, you are advised to consult a nutritionist or dietician. It will help you develop an individual nutrition plan, taking into account all the characteristics of your body and health.

  • For example, if you are planning to combine the blood type diet with a vegetarian diet, it is important to consider that many plant foods may be harmful to the health of people with a certain blood type.
  • And if you mix the blood type diet with the ketone diet, which involves high protein intake, you could be deficient in vitamins and other nutrients.

In general, blood type diets can be combined with other diets, but a very careful approach and mandatory consultation with a specialist is required. Failure to follow the rules and recommendations can negatively affect your health and lead to problems with digestion, metabolism, and even worsening of chronic diseases.